The Roentgen feed and speed calculator

The Roentgen feed and speed calculator

4th August 2023

The Roentgen feed and speed calculator

As part of our ongoing technical support to customers we have a new release of our Roentgen Cutting Solution calculator.

This fantastic tool allows Roentgen customers to access vital cutting information at their fingertips via computer or mobile.

Whether your cutting exotic alloys such as Inconel 718, 316 stainless steel or structural steel the RCS calculator has the ability to provide feed and speed rates in more details than ever before.

One new feature, is the option to choose structural steel sections such as beams, box section and tube with our profile band saw blade.

There is some information you would need to provide such as material hardness, machine and blade details but this allows for more accurate information.

This tool has helped customers all over the UK and Ireland, but it is only available to customers buying all their band saw blades from KR Saws.

For more details call us on 02476 610907 or email